EDDILI is an international action-research project targeted at adult learning staff (ALS). It is co-funded by the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme under the action Grundtvig Multilateral projects.
During the 2 years of the project life the international partnership aims to develop and introduce the reciprocal maieutic approach (RMA) of Danilo Dolci as an interesting educational approach to be used in the field of training of adult learning staff.
In the past few months EDDILI has been implementing this approach in all the partner countries simultaneously and it’s expected to have a serious impact and enhance the quality of adult learning.
In mid-July an international meeting was held with all 6 partners in Frechen, Germany, with the aim of coordinating the ongoing project activities and plan the next stages and steps. After an initial 5-day international “train the trainers (trainers of ALS)” gathering in Palermo (in January 2010) about the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach, those trainers are now delivering an intensive training course to ALS in their respective countries. The main educational approach used by trainers is the RMA. The course includes on-line modules as well as in-presence modules.
As a final valorisation part of the training course an international seminar will be held in Rotterdam upcoming 26 – 29 September 2010. It’s meant to give a strong European dimension to the training course, but also enable and promote the encounter between adult learning staff from the diverse countries and to develop a network among them.
The next stage is then to create a prototype of a manual focused on the RMA approach as a new and valuable tool in adult education. In the meantime ALS will be putting into practice their new skills and competences in their daily activities with adult learners. The monitoring of their experiences will provide valuable information as regards the impact of the method and further support the final version of the RMA manual. This product is then ready for dissemination at a European level in a number of languages and will establish the reciprocal maieutic approach as an interesting educational approach in adult education in Europe.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This blog post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.
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