What is INVEST about ?
INVEST stands for INvesting in your Volunteers by creating Educational opportunities Small scale and Tailormade.
The objectives in a nutshell are to invest in and support learning processes of volunteers, facilitate creation of portfolios, apply educational tools and good practices, and to acknowledge competences acquired through volunteering. The main approach is learning by doing in the local contexts, cooperating and sharing expertise and resources on a European level and collaborative work on a booklet to disseminate at the end of the project.
The project activities will result in a collection of instruments to perform a needs analysis of volunteer competence development, a collective pool of training resources, a collection of experiences in working with portfolios and the types of portfolio, tips & tricks as well as sample documents that volunteers receive stating the skills and competences they have acquired.
Learning through volunteering is still a relatively new idea that has a lot of potential as an alternative path in adult education, when it's taken seriously and when there's a willingness to invest in volunteers.
In the upcoming project meeting in Madrid all 5 partners will meet for the first time. A number of partners already know each other through the European Volunteer Centre. This is a European network of 88 national, regional and local volunteer centres and volunteer support agencies across Europe, that work together to support and promote voluntary activity.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This blog post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.
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