21 September, 2016

Update on social entrepreneurship project

A Social Enterprise combines entrepreneurial activity with a social purpose.
Its main aim is to have a social impact.
Sustain your life through social entrepreneurship” is an Erasmus + KA2 Strategic partnership project managed by PRISM and funded with the support of the European Union. It aims at equipping young people with the necessary knowledge and tools to activate a social enterprise
Officially the project started in January 2016 with the kick off meeting of the partners in Palermo. During the meeting they focused on contents and upcoming steps for implementation.
The month of July 2016 has been a crucial moment for the implementation of the project, two important steps of the above-mentioned project have been implemented:
- The first Training Course - an international training held in Caltanissetta, from the 6th to the 10th, where 28 young people from Italy, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Lithuania, and Netherlands worked side by side. The training whose title is "Turning needs into social start ups" was implemented by PRISM. It equipped participants with project management competencies and tools necessary to build a sustainable social enterprise. It focused on all phases of the Project Cycle Management linked to a holistic approach for nonviolent community development. Through a non-formal, intercultural and creative learning process, the combination of study visits of local social enterprises, the testimony of local entrepreneurs operating in the social field and group work (both practical and theoretical) it has been possible to transfer to participants the knowledge and practical tools to start up a social business, offering innovative solutions to identified local community’s needs.
- The Second transnational meeting in Las Palmas, Canary Islands (Spain) from the 14th to the 15th of July. The main focus of the transnational meeting was about the TC in Caltanissetta, the assessment tools to better evaluate the feedbacks of the participants, the organization of the next Training Courses and the preparation of the project outputs according to the TCs feedbacks. Moreover, the partnership had the opportunity to evaluate the work implemented so far and to set the next important steps of the project, also through a discussion on the internal evaluation and quality assurance of the project, on the results of the communication strategy and on the financial aspects of the project.
The next training in Rotterdam from the 30th of October to the 5th of November 2016.
Keep up to date via our FB page - Sustain your life through Social Entrepreneurship


Here are some quotes from the participants of the TC in Caltanisetta, Italy:

We all tried to collaborate and had the chance to share our experiences and knowledge about the social entrepreneurship phenomenon and its potential in the youth field and non-formal education in our own countries and also in Europe.”

“This project aims at the creation of a favourable environment to encourage and enable young people to pursue social entrepreneurship in their local communities. Entrepreneurship and self-employment could help young people to develop new key competences, respond to the emerging social needs and fully participate in society.”

“What I've learned from the Training Course in Caltanisetta is that with creativity you can find new ways for your entrepreneurship. What I've learned the most is that international contact can give you new ideas. In every country the will handle social needs in a different way. They gave me inspiration for starting new activities and to try to start a social centre in Surinam”.

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