13 May, 2018

Spaces for Intercultural Learning

The School of Social Work has been participating in an interesting Erasmus+ project about intercultural learning for the past year and a half. As the project is drawing to an end within the next 5 months, the different activities and outputs are now in their final stages. One channel that has steadily been developing is the webpage of the Spaces for Intercultural Learning project, accessible via this link.

As part of the project a five-day workshop was held in Belfast in 2017. This was where the six different European partners shared their methods and discussed the progress of the two-year project.

Here is a peek at the ice breaker activity that the NL team introduced.

The Five Fingers Exercise
This is the activity in a nutshell. A more detailed overview of this exercise including a step-by-step instruction will be included in the guidebook. This will become available for any interested education professional at the end of the project. Here you see how the five fingers exercise was introduced to participants in the Belfast workshop in May 2017.
This project has been funded with support of the European Commission. This communication reflects only the author's view and the European Commission and the National Agencies are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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