Yesterday was departure day, departing from Yozgat, Central Anatolia, Turkey to be precise. Behind us is a 2-day meeting, the final meeting of the Ethical Competence project, a Grundtvig Learning Partnership.
Day 1 started with an overall presentation by our Lithuanian project leader Mikas Balkevicius, who set out the state of affairs in our project. Then every partner successively presented their work on the Ethical Competence Guide, that is to say the additional annexes that showcase how the particular ethical values can be applied in specific educational settings, ranging from adult education to higher education. In some cases (however not ours) these educational materials had also been tried, tested and finetuned.
On day 2 we further discussed dissemination strategies, those applied within our respective countries, but also overall strategies so that the guide can be valorised.
As always, a fine balance was struck between the project content management issues and the on-site cultural experiences.
Within our 2-day meeting schedule our hosts demonstrated the best of Turkish hospitality. Besides being always available for any question or issue that popped up, they were flexible, generous and introduced us to a host of Turkish customs and rituals. Some of these cultural experiences included trying our hand at ebru, playing the suz, folk dancing and singing along, sampling Turkish tea and food, visiting a mosque and a local museum. On top of that we familiarised ourselves with the "territory": by taxibus our group (there were 22 of us) were taken to Camlik National Park and Kazankaya canyon on our way to our 2nd meeting location in Aydincik.
Understanding each other sufficiently was never an issue as there was always someone nearby who commanded the English language and could translate for us from Turkish into English and vice versa.
Any amendments or changes plus English language checks and further editing work on the Ethical Competence Guide will be done in the coming 6 weeks. In other words, our European project (officially called Ethical Competence as Educational Component in Adult Education) is right on schedule : what more can we ask for ?
Pictures of the meeting can be found here.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This blog post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.
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