The project aims to contribute to the exchange of good practices and the creation of a beneficial learning environment to encourage and enable youth workers and young people from Italy, Portugal, Romania, Lithuania, The Netherlands and Spain to recognise the value and pursue the opportunities that social entrepreneurship offers.
The overall approach is to engage youth workers and young people in developing key competences in such a way that they are empowered to turn their innovative and entrepreneurial ideas into a reality and act as ambassadors of sustainable development, social innovation and growth in their local and global communities.
The project envisages the development and provision of tools and innovative training activities drawing on non-formal education methodologies in order to develop key skills for social entrepreneurship. Besides training courses in Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal as well as multiplier events in all participating countries, the results will be shared in a digital booklet and find their way to an open learning portal in order to sustain the project outcomes beyond the duration of the project and allow the re-use of the materials that were developed and brought together.

This project has been funded with support of the European Commission. This communication reflects only the author's view and the European Commission and the National Agencies are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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